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About the Program

Burton's Cosmetology program teaches students valuable skills to use in the workplace. Completing Cosmetology I, II, and III prepares students for work experience in a salon and for official certification by the Virginia State Board of Cosmetology.

Cosmetology I is open to students in grade 10 and teaches skills in permanent waving, hair cutting, chemical hair relaxing, cleaning and styling wigs and hair pieces, hair pressing, and hair color.

Cosmetology II is open to students in grade11 upon completion of Cosmetology I, and teaches more advanced skills in tinting and lightning hair, salon planning, and management.

Cosmetology III is open to students in grades 12 upon completion of Cosmetology II. The course prepare students for the Virginia State Board of Cosmetology licensure examination. Dedicated students have the opportunity to participate in a cooperative program at a salon.


Marlee Coles

Marlee Coles

Started at BCAT in 2023
Entered the field in 2010
Began teaching in 2016
Burton Honors Graduate, 2010
Licensed Cosmetologist since 2010
B.S. in Business Management
Former Redken Artist
Redken Certified Haircolorist
L'Oreal USA - Professional Products Division
Mizani Artist
Mizani Artist Certified

Career Pathways


Salon Manager

Personal Aide


Nail Technician

Cosmetology Instructor
